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AIOU Research Project 8613 Autumn 2023 Complete Solved Sub theme Oral Communication Skills Topic Ways to Improve Students' Oral Language Skills through Confidence

AIOU Research Project 8613 Complete Solution Semester Autumn 2023

8613 Autumn 2023 Solved 

 Theme:                Language Development in Classroom

Sub theme:          Oral Communication Skills

Topic:                   Ways to Improve Students' Oral Language Skills through Confidence

For Order Research Project 8613 Contact 031 35511 535)


Name of the School (where the action research was conducted):

Action research was conducted in Zia girls high school bhalwal Overall background of the participants of the project; area/school: (socio-economic status, occupation/profession – earning trends of majority of the parents, literacy rate, academic quality, and any other special trait of the community where the school is situated)

Ø  Background of the Participants:


The participants of the study were grade 7 students who were enrolled in zia girls high school . The participants of this study belong to urban areas. I selected grade 7 students which consisted in total 30 in numbers. Most of the participants were quite helpful and were matured enough to understand the purpose of my research. In their classroom there were posters and pedagogical materals for developing in students. Most of the students (participants) parents had a medium economic level, so their study did not receive full financial support from family. The interest of the students in the investigation led to their keenness for the task and the interview. As a result, teachers sometimes found it difficult to maintain order among students. Most of the participants faced behavioural problems due to different reasons that I enlisted in my existing action research.

School Area:

Project School was zia girls high school Bhalwal . School building that contains 24 classrooms. According to the school record, there are a total of 480 students in numbers. The total staff of that school was 18. School is located in a semi urban area of bhalwal. This school system has been appreciated by members of the nearby people, as well as by parents, teachers and other respective members of the community. The school environment also represents the market within which a school and its leader must position themselves. The pedagogical approach of the school is to teach the skills and abilities with the student as a center and aims at the integral development of the students. My project school was recently renovated the building. The location of this school is far from the main street. Each classroom shows a list of school values, class rules and a blackboard that shows the learning structure of each day. It makes the teaching and learning process situation work well because the situation is conducive and comfortable.

Socio-EconomicStatus, Occupation/profession and Earning Trends of Participants

I found that large majority of households were living in neuclear family system and the rest of them had joint and extended family. Most of the students resided in "Packa" houses. Then, more than half of the students' parents belonged to the high-income group and less than a quarter of the students, belonged to the low-income group. A small number of parents of students were businessmen, government and private employees. A considerable number of the parents of the participants were well educated. The number of parents of the participants was dedicated to government services, as well as private services, respectively. Their parents were progressive in education, but they were still far from higher education. Parents have high expectations of their children. They show considerable participation in their children's studies by providing facilities for studies and encouraging them.

Theme:                Language Development in Classroom

Sub theme:          Oral Communication Skills

Topic:                   Ways to Improve Students' Oral Language Skills through Confidence


 1. Why did you select this specific sub-theme and topic? Relate it to your experience / problem in your classroom/institution. 

(Give the background and rationale of the study)


Reasons of Selecting This Specific Sub-Theme and Topic

Students Oral Communication Skills increased students learning motivation, reading writting and raise their participation in the everyday classroom tasks, responsibilities and learning. Students Oral Communication Skills help motivate students to complete their homework. It’s rather shocking that without students Oral Communication Skills   students don’t complete it. Students Oral Communication Skills encourages and endorses school effort. They lead to improved outcomes for students.

Background of The Project:

Self-regulation is the ability to control attention, thoughts, and emotions. Students who have the ability to regulate their emotions and behavior are better able to interact with other students and respond to different activities of the day. A critical component of social and emotional learning is self-regulation. Motivation, commitment, and self-regulation are the main determinants of student learning outcomes and whether or not they will persist in challenging tasks (Randi & Corno, 2012). By teaching students to be more Oral Communication Skills, teachers can experience greater success in promoting academic achievement, motivation, and lifelong learning. Spending a minimal amount of time each day demonstrating how specific self-regulation strategies can enhance students' learning can go a long way in helping them prepare for challenging learning tasks and assessments (Graham & Harris, 2015). Ultimately, if our goal is to create successful lifelong learners, we must first ensure that we teach them the strategies necessary for that journey.

The motivation and affective domain includes the various strategies that students can use to try to control and regulate their own motivation and emotions. This can include strategies for boosting their self-confidence or self-efficacy such as positive self-talk ("I know I can do this task") as well as strategies to try to control their interest (e.g., making the task more interesting by making a game out of it). Other strategies can be aimed at controlling negative emotions such as anxiety that can interfere with learning. In some research, these motivational and emotional control strategies are called volitional control strategies, but they can also be seen as part of the larger construct of self-regulated learning. As with cognition, good Oral Communication Skills learners do attempt to control their motivation and emotions in order to facilitate attainment of their goals (Khusainova & Ivutina, 2016).

There are a host of factors that can influence the development of self-regulation; three are noted here: cognitive development, motivation, and classroom contexts. Given the complexity of self-regulated learning, it is a phenomenon that emerges later in a child's life. There are clear developmental and maturational constraints on self-regulated learning. Although there are obviously aspects of self-regulation in place by the time a young child reaches school, the development of self-regulation for academic tasks takes place over the course of K-12 education (Pintrich, 2018).

Self-regulated learning strategies of time management, metacognition, critical thinking, and effort regulation were found to have significant positive correlations with academic success in online settings, although these effect sizes were smaller than those found in the traditional classroom. Self-regulated learning strategies are research-based instructional techniques to help students control and manage their own learning skills and habits. When combined with strategic instruction and metacognitive processes, instructors have a powerful set of learning tools to share with students (Broadbent & Poon, 2015).

Self-regulated learning is also time-consuming and quite difficult for some students, even when provided with explicit instruction in self-regulation. Accordingly, it is important that students are motivated to be Oral Communication Skills. Research of Pintrich (2019) on the role of motivation in self-regulated learning has suggested three important generalizations about the relations between motivation and self-regulated learning. First, students must feel self efficacious or confident that they can do the tasks. If they feel they can accomplish the academic tasks, then they are much more likely to use various self-regulation strategies. Second, students must be interested in and value the classroom tasks. Students who are bored or do not find the tasks useful or worthwhile are much less likely to be Oral Communication Skills than those who are interested and find the tasks important. Finally, students who are focused on goals of learning, understanding, and self-improvement are much more likely to be self- regulating than students who are pursuing other goals such as trying to look smarter than others, or trying not to look stupid. These generalizations have been found in a large number of studies and seem to be fairly robust, but of course there is a need for more research on the role of motivation in self-regulated learning.

Finally, besides developmental and motivational factors, there are contextual factors that play a role in the development of self-regulation. One of the most important is that students actually have the opportunity to try to take control of their own learning and are given the chance to try tasks on their own. Of course, it is important that tasks are not too challenging or too easy, but in the students' range of competence. In addition, the modeling and demonstration of various self-regulatory strategies by parents, teachers, and peers can help students learn these strategies. Students also need the opportunity to have guided practice with the use of these strategies, with support and guidance from knowledgeable others, whether they be parents, teachers, or peers. Finally, there should be incentives in the context for the use of these strategies, such that students who are successful in using the strategies are rewarded in terms of praise or more tangible rewards such as better learning and achievement (Pintrich, 2020).


According to my opinion as trainee teacher:

In summary, self-regulated learning is an important aspect of learning and achievement in academic contexts. Students who are Oral Communication Skills are much more likely to be successful in school, to learn more, and to achieve at higher levels. Accordingly, it is important for schools and classrooms to attempt to foster the development of expertise in self-regulated learning. Of course, there are developmental, motivational, and contextual factors that can facilitate or constrain self-regulated learning, but there are implicit and explicit ways to help foster self-regulated learning. Schunk & Ertmer (2000) recommends that students should know how to self-regulate their learning and that fostering self-regulated learning becomes an important goal for all educational systems.

Rational o the study


Conclusions may be used in the work of teachers, psychologists to optimize learning processes and the development of self-regulation. The results of my research may serve as a basis for the development of guidelines and training for the development of self-regulation, willpower, and other student characteristics of the student's personality.

2.    What was your discussion with your colleague/friend/senior teacher or supervisor


regarding the problem? (05 marks)


(Provide your discussion with your colleague or supervisor for better understanding of the


problem and alternate solutions)


Discussion With Colleagues/Friends/Supervisor

I discussed with my colleague, friends, senior teachers and supervisor regarding the effect of students Oral Communication Skills and motivation on student’s academic achievements performance. I told them that self regulation is a key skill for students (and adults). As school counselors, we have a great opportunity to target these skills in the classroom, small groups, and in student counseling.

I tell them that the ability to self-regulate has been viewed as a desirable quality


throughout history because of its positive affects on behavior and the acquisition of skills.


The appeal of self-regulation and its positive effects on behavior and educational outcomes


has prompted much research in this area. Self-Regulation refers to the self-directive process


through which learners transform their mental abilities into task related skills.


My supervisor suggested that self-regulation is the process of continuously monitoring


progress   toward   a    goal,    checking    outcomes,   and   redirecting   unsuccessful   efforts.


Eencourage students to be productive in learning both at home and in school by offering students Oral Communication Skills activities. Students Oral Communication Skills tend to create a feeling of pride and achievement among students thus motivating them to be more productive.

During discussion one of my senior teacher admitted that students Oral Communication Skills charts work well for children aged 8-12 years. You can use a students self- regulating chart when your child needs to work on changing her. For example, a students Oral Communication Skills might be that you let your child choose what's for dinner if she plays well with friends. And students Oral Communication Skills s aim to reinforce good, but bribes don't. One of my friend told me that motivation helps to energise, direct and sustain positive over a long period of time. It involves working towards goals and tailoring activities to achieving this   purpose.   It   also   helps   to drive clearity and curiosity, sparking the desire needed for students to want to learn more.

My other friend told me that although schools can and do make a significant difference, research has identified numerous factors which affect student success. Four categories of variables which affect student achievement are discussed below: (1) School, (2) the Family and the Student, (3) Social Incentives, and (4) Socio-Economic Conditions.

3.  What did you find about the problem in the existing literature (books / articles / websites)? (10




(Explore books and online resources to know what and how has been already done


regarding this problem)

Review of Literature

Review of literature is an important step in the process of research. No scientific research can start abruptly. All scientific study stems out as a result of the consolidation of a host of knowledge already gathered by various pioneers in this field.

Self-Regulation (SR), according to Riva & Ryan (2015) is the ability to stay calm, be focused and alert which is akin to having self-control. Self-regulation involves goal-oriented . It is “a deep internal mechanism that underlies mindful, intentional and thoughtful of children which allows the capacity to both stop the or start something new”. These definitions situate our arguments and help to illuminate the effect children’s self-regulation has on their academic development.

To become strategic learners, students must assume ownership for their learning and achievement outcomes (Kistner et al., 2010). Self-regulated learners take on this responsibility by monitoring their progress towards learning goals. The process of selfmonitoring encompasses all of the aforementioned strategies. In order for a learner to self-monitor their progress, they must set their own learning goals, plan ahead, independently motivate themselves to meet their goals, focus their attention on the task at hand, and use learning strategies to facilitate their understanding of material (Zimmerman, 2004). Teachers can encourage self-monitoring by having students keep a record of the number of times they worked on particular learning tasks, the strategies they used, and the amount of time they spent working. This practice allows students to visualize their progress and make changes as needed.

According to Wolters (2011), self-regulation is essential to the learning process. It can help students create better learning habits and strengthen their study skills apply learning strategies to enhance academic outcomes monitor their performance and evaluate their academic progress. Teachers thus should be familiar with the factors that influence a learner’s ability to self-regulate and the strategies they can use to identify and promote self- regulated learning (SRL) in their classrooms. In addition to self-regulation, motivation can have a pivotal impact on students’ academic outcomes.

Ryan (2020) suggested that teach children self-control, self-regulation, and self- regulating by providing them with a “Calm Down Kit.” Have discussions with them about their emotions and behaviors, and teach them hands-on ways to calm down. Fill a container with motivational items that help children calm down using a coloring book, stress ball, glitter bottle, and journal. Use this technique to teach children how to calm down and self-regulate using balloon breathing. Use the large balloon breathing poster to teach the class and smaller size in a child’s calm down kit.

Basso & Abrahao (2018) suggested that students’ self-education has been discussed and encouraged by teachers in order to encourage students to be increasingly responsible for their educational process. This need to develop autonomy and sense of responsibility for their own learning begins right when they start school, when the teacher, in his or her teaching activity, uses strategies and organizes contexts to develop self-regulated learning of students. The beginning of formal literacy, the teachers used teaching strategies that aimed at the self- regulated learning development, as observed in certain activities grouped into the interdisciplinary category.

Boekaerts & Corno (2016) research have been showing that the students of the first grade of Elementary Education have a self-regulation level that varies according to the stimulus from family, but also according to teachers’ educational practices, which reinforces the teaching strategies that develop self-regulated learning. The teaching practices used in the Interdisciplinary Teaching Category created a context of teaching activities in such a way that the teachers of both classes could act as mediators in the development process of self- regulated learning.

Ramdass & Zimmerman (2011) revealed that quality measures of homework such as managing distractions, self-efficacy and perceived responsibility for learning, setting goals, self-reflection, managing time, and setting a place for homework completion are more effective than only measuring the amount of time spent on homework. During homework completion, students engage in self-regulation by motivating themselves, inhibiting distractions, using strategies to complete homework, managing time, setting goals, self- reflecting on their performance, and delaying gratification. As a result, self-regulation and homework are related and the findings show that from elementary grades to college, skilled learners engaged in the above self-regulatory behaviors during homework activities. Self- regulatory behaviors develop gradually over time with repeated practice.

Hong et al. (2009) showed that students can be trained to develop self-regulation skills during homework activities. It is important to continue with training studies at all grade levels so that students can become aware of the relationship between homework activities and these self-regulation processes such as goals, self-efficacy, self-reflection, time management, and delay of gratification. Evidence from correlational studies showed that students' self-regulation skills and motivational beliefs correlate positively with homework activities. Homework assignments that are adequately challenging and interesting help struggling and at-risk students develop motivation and self-regulation skills and achieve success. Teachers can help students develop these behaviors by using homework logs. Data from the logs can help teachers show students their strengths and help them overcome their weaknesses.

Bol (2015) suggested that self-regulated learning can be developed through coordination of cognitive, metacognitive and motivational skills. Improving self-regulated learning strategies is possible through teaching activities that encourage students to self- monitor and control their performance. The role of teachers in the development of self- regulated learning strategies is essential. If teachers can provide an environment where students can have more autonomy and responsibility in their learning process, within the classroom context, thus enabling more enduring skills, students will be more able to self- regulate their skills along the school path.

Teachers can stimulate self-regulated learning through teaching of strategies that allow students to control unexpected situations, modifying their development according to the information acquired over time. Therefore, as an educational institution, it is appropriate for the school to provide the development of understanding and autonomy of the students, through a more active learning, encouraging them to optimize the ability to select, build and transfer knowledge (Butler et al., 2014).

Self-regulated learning can be studied from several angles in the educational area. However, research conducted in school contexts frequented by older students is more numerous, since strategies used and activities taught in class are more evident. There are fewer studies on teaching activities in educational contexts that involve self- regulatedlearning of students who are starting the process of formal literacy. Schunk & Ertmer 2020) distinguish two investigation points: one is more centered on the study of cognitive, metacognitive, motivational and behavioral processes of the students, and another contextual, more centered on beliefs, conceptions and teachers’ educational practices.

Boekaerts & Corno (2005) showed that since the beginning of formal literacy, the teachers used teaching strategies that aimed at the self-regulated learning development, as observed in certain activities grouped into the interdisciplinary category. This is important since research have been showing that the students of the first grade of Elementary Education have a self-regulation level that varies according to the stimulus from family, but also according to teachers’ educational practices, which reinforces the teaching strategies that develop self-regulated learning. The teaching practices used in the Interdisciplinary Teaching Category created a context of teaching activities in such a way that the teachers of both classes could act as mediators in the development process of self-regulated learning.

4.       What was the major variables/construct of your project? Give definitions/


description from literature. (05 marks) (What are the key terms in your topic or study?


what do you mean of these terms? What particular meaning you will attach to the term


when used in this project?)


Key Terms in the Project/Major Variables:


Independent variable Oral Communication Skills

Self-regulation is the ability to understand and manage your behaviour and your reactions to feelings and things happening around you. Self-regulation is the ability to monitor attention, thoughts and emotions. Students who have the ability to regulate their emotions and behavior are able to better engage with other students and respond to the varying activities of the day. A critical component of social and emotional learning is self- regulation

Dependent variable Stuent learning

Self-regulation strategies reduce disruptive problems in the classroom by encouraging students to control their own behavior. These strategies give teachers time to work in small groups or individually with students who require additional instruction. To be successful in school, students must be able to focus, control their emotions, and adapt to change.

Academic Performance:


Students with better cognitive self-regulation can have better educational performance by managing their emotions and emotional influences. They also have a great motivation to study and can make targeted planning. There was a significant positive relationship between external self-regulation and planning.

5.  What did you want to achieve in this research project? (05 marks)


(Objective / purpose of the study; what was the critical question that was tried to be


answered in this project)


Objective/Purpose Of The Study


Research objectives are more focused than research problems. The objective of academic research, whether by sociologists, political scientists, or anthropologists, is to try to find answers to theoretical questions within their respective fields. In contrast, the objective of applied social research is to use data so that decisions can be made. This study will seek to answer the following main questions:

1.      Developing self-regulation of students through motivation


2.      Promoting self-regulation in the class room for effective learning


3.      Exploration of ways in which self-awareness and self-efficacy improves performance in school

4.      To improve the self-regulatin behaviours in children through motivation

Critical Question

The study was guided by the following research questions:

The research questions are based on research objectives. The research questions deal with more detailed aspects of statement of the problem. Answers to research question are resulted from the analysis of the information (data) collected and contain knowledge of patterns, rule,

and regularities of the object being studied. To achieve the mentioned objectives, I tried to answer the following questions:

1.      What effect does self-regulation in children have on their academic performance?


2.      Why is self regulation important for students?


3.      What are some self regulation strategies?


4.      What are the key factors that influence the development of self regulation?


Research Hypotheses:


Children who are good self-regulators will realize greater academic success than those who cannot self-regulate.

6.   Who were the participants in your project? (05 marks)


(Give details of the students or groups who were focused in this project e.g. the early-grade


students whose handwriting in Urdu was not good or the students of class VIII who did not


have good communication skills)


The participants of the study were grade 7 students who were enrolled in Government girls high school I selected grade 7 students which consisted in total 30 in numbers. Most of the participants were quite helpful and were matured enough to understand the purpose of my research. In their classroom there were no posters and pedagogical materials for self- regulation behaviour development. The study participants were grade 7 students who enrolled in Government girls high school One more problem was that they cannot understand the problem statement or the statement of the question written above the equation. They all had less confidence in clearity for effective learning. During these days, I had the opportunity to see different activities. I took notes regarding the student and teacher's activities for self-regulation development and tried to avoid making eye contact or talking with any of the students or the teacher during the observation. The overall performance of all students (participants) was not enough to clearity compared to other sub-

skills. Most of their parents have a medium economic level, so their study has the full financial support of their family. The participants of this study consisted of 30 students of the same age group from 8 to 12 years. The large age indicates the level of maturity of the students in that sense, the age becomes more important to examine the response. There were ten weakest students in this class about making creaivity. Although they were public school students, their proficiency level is not that high about clearity.

7.   How did you try to solve the problem? (10 marks)


(Narrate the process step-wise. Procedure of intervention and data collection)


Method of The Study


The methodology of this research was comprised on an action research to found out and solve the problem. The social phenomenon under scrutiny was how to developme students Oral Communication Skills via motivation in grade 7. Questionnaires, interviews, were used to collect the data needed to provide the information and insight necessary to answer the research questions.



The entire group from which a sample is chosen is known as the population. All the students who were enrolled in Government girls high school    was population of this study. It was quite convenient for me being a teacher of that school and a resident of Punjab to accumulate quality data from the chosen school.



Sample is smaller representation of large whole. Generally, it consists of some of the observations that represent the whole population. In the existing action research grade 7 students who were enrolled in Government girls high school was sampled for this study.

Sample Size


The numbers of observation included in a sample is called size of sample. The 30 students of the grade 7 were selected for this class based action research.

Ethical Considerations


From the inception of this research I was extremely particular to carry out an ethical inquiry and therefore gave serious thought to all ethical aspects this study would entail. Permission to conduct the study was first sought from the principal and school governing body. Permission was sought from school head. The rights of the participants (grade 7) were spelled out clearly i.e. they could refuse to be audio recorded and they could demand to see any notes or recordings.

8.   What kind of instrument was used to collect the data? How was the instrument developed?


(05 marks)


(For example: observation, rating scale, interview, student work, portfolio, test, etc.)


Research Instruments


Research instruments are a way of gathering data concerning the research focus. Gathering data using different research instruments is in fact creating different ways to study the social event being researched.



Participants completed research questionnaires during regularly scheduled class periods. Questionnaires were shuffled prior to administration to randomize participant assignment to the experimental groups. As they read the questionnaire, participants imagined being a student of the course instructor described within the questionnaire.

Data entry:


After data collection, data entry was the most critical part of the data handling. Then all the questionnaires were coded which was again a lengthy procedure. All the data was

entered in excel first to avoid complications of analysis. Then it was shifted to SPSS (statistical package for social sciences) where all variables were defined and recorded.



Quantitative data were analyzed through various statistical techniques as, univariate and bivariate. In univariate analysis, frequency and percentage were used to describe the data. Univariate analyses were performed to explore the multivariate results.



Tabulation is an ordinary arrangement of data in columns and rows. It is a process of sorting and counting of information against the categories of classes.

Univariate analysis:


This type of analysis describes that variable which presents their values in the form of frequency. In the present study for the presentation of data, univariate tables were formulated, representing each question and sub-question, percentage were also drawn. Percentage:

In order to bring the data into comparable form, percentages of various categories of data was worked out in the present study. The percentages were calculated by the following formula:

formula:                                                  F

Percentage     =------------------- * 100




Where              F              =        Frequency


N              =       Total number of frequencies

9.     What were the findings and conclusion? (Provide instruments and analysis as


appendix) (10 marks)


regulation, sometimes also known as “self-regulation”, refers to our ability to manage our energy, emotions, attention and in ways that are socially acceptable and help us to achieve our goals stay calm, focused, and alert.







1.      Often 2. Sometimes 3. Never
















Addressing the student’s problems will help to create a learning environment that naturally raises self-

regulating and confidence













Achieving your goals such as joining an exercise class

or going to a social occasion will help to increase your Oral Communication Skills













Engaging children to read a book or attend a lecture


on positive self-worth










Cognitive    behavioral    therapy is    effective    in    the

treatment of low Oral Communication Skills, anxiety and depression













Teach students to cope with mistakes and failure

create Oral Communication Skills  and self-confidence among them













Provision of positive feedback and encouragement

enhance     Oral Communication Skills                    and                  self- confidence












Spend time with people who make  you happy and


confident to develop Oral Communication Skills











Take care of yourself and try to exercise at least 30 minutes a day most days of the week to improve your

Oral Communication Skills and self-confidence













To improve your Oral Communication Skills and self-


confidence is believing in yourself










Teachers should help students to develop a sense of responsibility that fosters Oral Communication Skills

and confidence










The major findings of the project are listed below.


Major Findings


1.      I found that 50% of the students stated that engaging children to read a book or attend a lecture on positive self-worth

2.      I found that 50% of the students told that teach students to cope with mistakes and failure create Oral Communication Skills and self-confidence among them

3.      Majority 65% of the students stated that provision of positive feedback and encouragement enhance self confidence

4.      Majority 65% said that provision of positive feedback and encouragement enhance Oral Communication Skills and self-confidence

5.      Majority 65% of the students suggested that students should spend quality time with people who make them happy and confident to develop Oral Communication Skills

6.      Majority 65% of the students specified that teachers should help students to develop a sense of responsibility that fosters Oral Communication Skills and confidence



One of the best ways to improve confidence is to engage kids in various self esteem activities for students. By boosting self esteem in students, children who may come from less than desirable home settings can learn skills that foster a sense of community and respect. Students self esteem is directly related to their school performance. By ensuring that student self esteem is healthy, the environment for learning becomes one where education and learning thrives. Self esteem activities for students are an excellent way to help boost a child’s confidence and increase learning. Many self esteem activities for students can be used including those that are used in an student as well as classroom setting. Teachers should help students to develop a sense of responsibility that fosters Oral Communication Skills and confidence

Ways to Build self-confidence among Students


1.      Model confidence.

2.      Be prepared to teach.


3.      Accept mistakes with grace.


4.      Praise and encourage your students.


5.      Challenge them academically.


6.      Allow your students many opportunities for success.


7.      Foster creativity in the classroom.

8.      Affirm your students.


9.      Give them jobs.


10.  Teach them organization skills.


Self-Regulation Strategies: Methods for Managing Myself


1.      Consciously attend to breathing, relaxing;


2.      Exercise;


3.      Movement;


4.      Awareness of body sensations;


5.      Attending to care for my body, nutrition;


6.      Meditation and prayer;


7.      Self-expression: art, music, dance, writing, etc.;


8.      Caring, nurturing self-talk


10. Summary of the Project (05 marks)


(What and how was the research conducted main objective, process and findings)


Oral Communication Skills is the opinion we have of ourselves. When we have healthy Oral Communication Skills , we tend to feel positive about ourselves and about life in general. It makes us better able to deal with life's ups and downs. A self-confident person looks confident with positive body language and good posture.

Process of Data collection

A collection of data is the most important stage in research work. The instruments that are employed to gather new facts or to explain new fields are called tools. It is very important to select suitable instruments or tools for data collection. Different tools of data collection are used for different research and it is based on the type of research work interviewing schedule was used as a tool of data collection. Action research method was used for existing research. Action research involves direct interaction with students on a one to one basis or in a group setting. Observation, focus group interviews, questionnaires and field notes were used to collect the data. The interviews used in this study were semi-structured. A series of close ended questions were used to draw information concerning to the discipline of learners and the teaching strategy of educators. A survey was conducted by direct interview of students at their school during their free time. All information was collected through interview schedule (questionnaire), as research instrument including some multiple choices in the form of and close-ended questions regarding study objectives. Tape recorded data were transcribed, analysed and then discussed. The head teacher introduced me to the class teacher. I assured that the study is the sole purpose of writing a research project and that the data collected would be treated with utmost. The Statistical Package for Social Scientists (IBM SPSS Statistics 20) program was used for data screening, data transformations and analysis. Study identified a significant, causal, and reciprocal relationship between classroom effective environment and students learning.

Findings of the Study

Promoting self-regulation in the classroom is becoming increasingly popular due to the benefits to both children and teachers. Self-regulation is important for development, it

helps children with learning and social skills. This shows that children must learn and develop self-regulation skills for their own future and for effective classroom management.

11.  How do you feel about this practice? What have you learnt? (Self-reflection) (10 marks)


Feeling about this Practice/Action Research

Action research provides me a structured process for customizing research findings, enabling me to address specific questions, concerns, or problems within their own classrooms, schools, or districts. I had mixed feelings with research. I was bit nervous and somewhat curious to learn action research. I attend all of the meeting to reach 80% attendance to learn about how to do action research effectively and how to develop self confidence of my students. My experience regarding current research was informative. In this regard my respective supervisor helps me a lot. I learnt that self-confidence is the inner self- management towards reality and positive of oneself and the world. Students who have trouble developing self-discipline also have more trouble developing Oral Communication Skills and resilience. These are the students who “act before they think” and often express opposition to limits, rules, and structure. To increase understanding of the need for rules and motivation to follow them involve your students in the process of establishing the classroom rules. Self-regulation, however, allows kids to manage their behaviors, body movements, and emotions while still focusing on the task at hand. When self-regulation skills are working, a child can identify the cause, reduce the intensity of the impulse, and possibly know how to resist acting on it. I learnt that self-regulation allows kids to manage their behaviors, body movements, and emotions while still focusing on the task at hand. When self-regulation skills are working, a child can identify the cause, reduce the intensity of the impulse, and possibly know how to resist acting on it.

Now I can Teaching the Child to Self-Regulate via:

1.      Get down on the child's level. Standing over the child can make them feel overwhelmed; kneeling down creates safety.

2.      Give Empathy. Feeling heard and understood is a core need that we all have. ...


3.      Match the child's emotional tone


4.      Give them time.


5.      Let them play


Self-reflection is like looking into a mirror and describing what you see. Reflecting and composing a piece of self-reflective writing is becoming an increasingly important element to any form of study or learning. Self-reflection helps to build emotional self-awareness. My students had lack of confidence and Oral Communication Skills . Reflections can support the dimensional review of oneself. Optimizing the best of self is essential and this renders seeing with clarity and appreciating the uniqueness of your self. This is where self acceptance can be achieved with the self reflections and drawing from the subconscious into the conscious mindset. All the stimuli we encounter has its effect on us all we absorb it and sort through it. Taking that time away to distract to escape is essential. This entails all the unprecedented distractions and reflections about lifestyle, and surviving in a culture that celebrates overworking. It is essential to create the space to plug back into the self.

12.   What has it added to your professional skills as a teacher? (05 marks)


There is growing evidence that teachers doing action research together in the same school or program make significant impacts on school change, student achievement, and the professional development of teachers participating in the research. From this practice I’m able to evaluate the students problems in my class to develop Oral Communication Skills . Now I can identified, process and solve the problem through scientific way which results better than previous which was beating about bush. Action research helps me to pick up threads suggested in academic circles, and weave them in my own classroom. Action research allows me to take ownership over my teaching and occurs when teacher researchers contemplate a classroom or instructional issue, design a study, execute the study, track data and results, and reflect. The action research progression is interactive; it is not a passive process, as teacher- researchers are active constructors of knowledge. This research provides me with data from my own experiences and my own students. This study added my professional skills as trainee teacher that sharing useful strategies with students and provide them examples enhance their slf confidence. I’m talking about general and specific tips and tricks on how to develop self confidence. As a teacher, my role is to help each and every student improve themselves, acquire new skills, and become a better students. Now I will improve my student self confidence and self esteem through different techniques as I enlisted my Questionnire as data collection toll. I learnt that emotional support and encouragement are simple and highly effective ways to promote students’ Oral Communication Skills and resilience. Addressing the student’s problems will help to create a learning environment that naturally raises self- regulating and confidence. Teachers help students to develop a sense of responsibility that fosters Oral Communication Skills and confidence. Emotional support and encouragement are simple and highly effective ways to promote students’ Oral Communication Skills and confidence. Teacher teach students to cope with mistakes and failure to promote students’ Oral Communication Skills and confidence.


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